HSEB || NEB || Model question of Com English Link Eng

Class: 11 || Subject: Compulsory English (Link English)

Compulsory English, English, Link English, Tense

Unit 3 Word Formations

a. Suffix/ Prefix

  1. Add appropriate prefix or suffix in the following words: [3]

i. Usual

ii. Satisfied

iii. Child

iv. Do

v. Happy

vi. Loyal

b. Connectives

  1.  Change the following words as indicated in the bracket: [3]

Beautiful (Noun), Courage (Adj.), Broad (verb)

  1. Rewrite these sentences, filling in the gap with the appropriate words from the list. [3]

(Words: therefore, became, though, in spite of, however, because of)

i. He sat in front of the fire ………. He liked its warmth.

ii. His stamp albums were full, ……… he needs a new one.

iii. He collected space travel stamps ……… his grandsons interest.

iv. ……… having collected stamps for so many years, he still enjoyed the hobby.

v. It was getting more expensive to buy stamps ………, he decided to continue collecting them.

vi. He still preferred to collect British stamps ……… they were not as colourful as Nepalese stamps.

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Unit 4 Tense Corrections

  1. Rewrite the sentences using the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. [3]

i. The sun ……… (rise) in the east.

ii. Gita ……… (go) abroad last year.

iii. I ……… (catch) the bus if I had run.

iv. You will not make a mistake If you ……… (be) careful.

v. When I first ……… (meet) him in 1998, he was a small boy.

vi. I ……… (learn) to swim when I was in class four.

2. Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in brackets in correct tense.

i. They ……… to the movies last night. (go)

ii. When I ……… to college, I saw an accident. (go)

iii. Most people ……… to lead a peaceful life. (want)

iv. I’m sure I ……… her before. (meet)

v. If I saw him, I ……… him a present. (give)

vi. I was working in my garden when he ……… (come) home.

3. Rewrite these sentences choosing the correct verb from the bracket: [3]

i. Everybody ……… his own business. (do/ does)

ii. The committee ……… in their decision. (is/ are)

iii. My trousers ……… in need of cleaning. (is/ are)

4. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense. [5]

i. Hi (go) to America Yesterday.

ii. The bus (be) stationary.

iii. He (not go) out yet.

iv. He (get) married two months ago.

v. She usually (get) up early in the morning.

5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. [2]

i. She ……… (meet) her old friend yesterday.

ii. Her mother ……… (not come) back yet.

6. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. [3]

Simple present, simple future or present perfect

i. Everyday Harry ……… (go) office by bus.

ii. The girl ……… (get) married six months ago.

iii. I ……… (write) a book, but I don’t know how to get it published.

iv. The earth ……… (go) round the sun.

iv. If the balloon bursts the child ……… (ask) for another.

vi. When I first ……… (meet) him in 1999, he was a small boy.

7. Write the following sentences in the simple past tense. [2]

i. Harry eats rice.

ii. They watch TV.

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