
Hemant Chaudhary is an student 19 years old. He is interested in Hacking, Blogging,coding. He like to Visit new Places and make new Friends. He used to Learn His web works From Friends and Currently is is CEO and Founder of Meropaper and meroreview.com

Indexing, Records Management, Office, Machines, Furniture

HSEB || Important Model Questions for Business Studies Class 11

Chapter-1 Introduction of Business Short Answer Questions Define business and show its importance. [3+5=8] State and explain the characteristics of business. [8] Define business and explain its functions. [2+6=8] [Important] What is business? Describe the responsibilities of business towards community. [8] Define business. Why is business important in this modern age? Explain. [2+6=8] Define business…

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Unseen passage, unseen passage questions, compulsory english

HSEB Model Question for Link English || Dictionary Quarter || Class 11

Dictionary Use Dictionary Use In which quarter of the dictionary do you find the following words: Den, low, wit, misery Ans: 1st Quarter-den, 2nd Quarter-low, 3rd Quarter-misery, 4th Quarter-wit In which quarter of the dictionary do you find the following words. spiritual, necromancy, hammock, baggage Ans: 1st Quarter-baggage, 2nd Quarter-hammock, 3rd-necromancy, 4th Quarter-spiritual In which…

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Unseen passage, unseen passage questions, compulsory english

HSEB || Model Question for Link English || Class 11

Dictionary Use Alphabetical Order Put the following words in alphabetical order partial, Parthian, partisan, partner, partake, particular Put the following words in alphabetical order; legitimate, legging, leghorn, leggy, legion, leger Put the following words in alphabetical order; die, doe, durable, drive, dare, deer Put the following words in alphabetical order; pigment, pigmy, piglet, piggery, piggy,…

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